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Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or their sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. Scents of mango, lime and passionfruit introduce this Sauvignon Blanc. A weighty, tropical palate is in perfect harmony with the crisp, acidic finish Marlborough is known for.

Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A reference point for quality in Kiwi Sauvignon. Dog Point is made by ex-Cloudy Bay experts and offers beautifully defined character, but nothing aggressive or obviously shouting. Perfect balance, complexity and texture make this a top notch example for the price. A Sav not only for Sav lovers, but lovers of fine wine, this is a future legend and a must-try.

Fat Bird Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Tropical flavours, lime zest, passionfruit and herbaceous characters. Great match with fish or salad dishes.

Fickle Mistress Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A classic zesty Marlborough Sauvignon from the Fickle Mistress team.

Giesen Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant citrus and concentrated fruit on the palate, finishing crisp and bright.

Graham Norton Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Tropically scented but with layers of sweet capsicum and floral lime zest rising from the glass initially. This is well backed up by a vibrant, zingy fresh palate with deceptive power and concentration. There is a creaminess to the palate from time on lees that adds a textural dimension, which is in great balance with the driving tropical fruit.

Greasy Fingers Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A complex well layered wine displaying fresh citrus, grapefruit and white pepper. The crisp acidity carries through to the pallet.

Hardys Varietal Range Sauvignon Blanc 1 Litre

Hardys VR stands for uncomplicated wines displaying true varietal character, perfect for everyday enjoyment. Hardys Varietal Range Sauvignon Blanc displays clean aromatic flavours of tropical fruits, with passionfruit and gooseberry complemented by citrus finish - great with lightly spiced chicken dishes.

Headline Acts Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A flavoursome Sauvignon Blanc that will pair with your favourite sound track. This gorgeous Sauvignon Blanc is juicy and generous, which makes the flavours pop.

Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Sauvignon Blanc is a crisp, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc that is a perfect accompaniment to all occasions. The nose is lifted and fragrant with passionfruit and varietal asparagus, while the palate offers tropical and herbaceous flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Enjoy on its own or with sushi and fresh green salads.

Jules Taylor Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

M by Montana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This fragrant Sauvignon Blanc is alive with elderflower, grapefruit, and passionfruit notes. A perfect match for seafood and a crisp, vibrant salad
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